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The Songs
Get the lyrics to some of these songs here. Play songs in mp3 format by clicking the song title. If you have problems, try downloading the song to your hard drive by right-clicking and saving the target.
Click here to download Move in mp3 format!
(.wma format)
2.9 MB)
from Village Live (recorded live at the Farmers Market)
Click here to download Move in mp3 format!
Protest Song
(.wma format)
(4.7 MB)
from Zen and Meditation
by Richard Frasca
Click here to download Move in mp3 format!
Too Good Not Too Be True (3.5 MB)
from The Only Way to Be
by Richard Frasca
Click here to download Move in mp3 format!
(4.5 MB)
from Ball
by Richard Frasca
Click here to download Move in mp3 format!
(4.32 MB)
from Ball
by Richard Frasca

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all material � 1999-2005 by Richard Frasca
(unless otherwise noted)

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